Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ancient Humans

I am most curious to learn about the lives of our ancient homo sapiens. What were their daily lives like? How did they past their time? Did they go to work? Did the children go to school? Languages spoken? What kind of toys did the children play? How were illnesses cured - ancient doctors!! How did they perform surgical operations? No anasthesia !!

The very first civilisation was found in India where whole communities worked and lived together. The Harappan civilisation were very good architects, they built houses in neat rows, nice roads and warehouses.

Each family had a house with a courtyard. Would you believe it that they even had laterines in each house, much like what we have today. With a flush system and underground water ways.

The women even wore jewellery made of gold, pearls and other ornaments. They even painted their nails and lips.

People were given various jobs, such as planting vegetables, rearing animals, and such.


Barlalee said...

I'll be subscribing to your encyclopedia!

Kalaichelvi said...

Thanks Val, I'll send you the invoice :-)

Alyson Rozells said...

wah! i also wanna subscribe!!! ;) can please bill to ARI?